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Got Questions?


Here are some of the most common questions, along with the complete answers from our support experts.

Our Cherry Disc are manufactured in the USA. We are FDA-registered, and 100% medical-grade silicone.

Yes, sure. Menstrual disc is a new invention of menstrual products. While a pad is mind-numbingly easy to use, a Cherry disc has a slight learning curve. Learning how to insert and remove it requires one or two cycles to get used to and after that it will be a breeze.

Cherry Disc is designed to fit the majority of women, regardless of age. However, as every user has a unique internal shape and size, there might be a small chance that Cherry Disc may not work for you. If Cherry Disc does not fit, we recommend you try our Cherry Menstrual Cup.

  1. a) Inserting After washing your hands, you can insert a menstrual disc while standing, squatting, sitting on the toilet, or with one leg lifted. Find a position that’s comfortable for you. Pinch Cherry Disc in half and slowly slide into the vaginal canal pushing back and down toward the cervix as far as it will comfortably go.

Use your finger to tuck the rim behind your pubic bone, so it rests slightly diagonally.

  1. b) Removing Wash your hands and sit on the toilet. Hook your finger under the front edge pulling straight out and keeping Cherry Disc parallel to the floor.  Remember a menstrual disc does not form a suction in your vagina, so it is safe to pull the device out.

Empty the menstrual blood of the disc in the toilet and reinsert it again after wash.

Check out our video on ‘How to insert/remove Cherry Disc?’ here!

The Cherry disc should sit comfortably behind the pubic bone, similar to how a diaphragm or cervical cap is positioned. You shouldn’t feel it nor any leakage happen if it is inserted correctly.

Inserting a menstrual disc correctly may take some practice. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work perfectly the first time.

Sometimes inserting a menstrual disc can be challenging for some people, especially when you’re new to the device. Here are some additional tips to help you with the insertion process:

Relax: The most important step is to stay relaxed. Tension in your muscles can make insertion more difficult. Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.

Find a Comfortable Position: Experiment with different positions to find the one that works best for you. Many people find that squatting, sitting on the toilet, or one leg lifted can be more comfortable than standing.

Use Lubrication: If you’re having difficulty inserting the menstrual disc, consider using a water-based lubricant. Apply a small amount to the rim of the disc to help it slide in more easily. Make sure the lubricant is compatible with your disc material and safe for internal use.

Take Your Time: Inserting a menstrual disc might take some practice. Don’t rush the process; take your time to ensure it is inserted correctly.

Remember, it can take a little bit more practice to become comfortable with using a menstrual disc. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work perfectly the first few times. With time and patience, you’ll likely become more adept at inserting and using it.

A menstrual disc can typically be worn for up to 12 hours. During this time, you are free to carry on with your day as usual. This means you’re good to exercise, play sports, or even have sex without the fear of leakage. Of course, you know your body best. On days that you have a heavier flow, you might find you need to remove and empty more frequently.

It is important to note that when you go to the toilet, you may notice that your menstrual disc “leaks” blood while urinating. This is completely normal and is often referred to as the “self-empty” feature. Many ladies like this aspect of a menstrual disc, as it allows for the disc to empty itself regularly throughout the day.

The menstrual disc stays in place by propping against the pubic bone. Your Cherry Disc won’t leak when it’s in the right spot. If your disc is displaced in some way then it will leak, but if you have a good fit it should not tilt and dump its contents until you are on the bathroom.

Unlike cups or tampons which sit in the vaginal canal, the menstrual disc rests in the vaginal fornix. When positioned correctly, it should fit comfortably and be leak free. It’s natural and normal for the cervix to change position throughout the cycle, so you may find that the position of your disc can change slightly from day to day. 

The soft basin of the disc will form to your shape, so it is normal for it to feel like it isn’t opened all the way. As long as it’s comfortable and not leaking, you are free to go.

Water is a best natural lubricant. Try rinsing the menstrual disc with water before inserting it. If you would like to use additional lubricant to aid in insertion, be ensure it is water-based and safe for vaginal use. Other lubricants may degrade the silicone over time, and disrupt the natural pH of your vagina, reducing the longevity of your Cherry Disc.

Clean water and a fragrance-free soap is all you need to clean it out. 

Harsh chemicals can potentially compromise your disc’s composition and cause irritation when inserted. Antibacterial hand soaps (such as those in public toilets) and heavy-duty facial cleansers should never be used to clean your disc.

Many people choose to boil their discs before or after their cycles. You can immerse your Cherry disc in boiling water for 3-5 minutes at a time to sterilize it – try to keep your disc from touching the sides or bottom of the pot by using a pair of tongs to keep it steady and remove it from the boiling water. Let your Cherry disc cool down completely before using it.

If it is inconvenient to get to the sink in a public restroom, simply wipe your disc with fragrance free wet wipe and reinsert it. If you prefer to rinse your disc, you might consider carrying a small water bottle or squirt bottle in your bag to use on-the-go. The most important thing to remember is to always handle your disc during insertion and removal with clean hands.

Absolutely! You can swim while using Cherry disc. Menstrual discs are designed to be worn internally, just like tampons, and they are intended to be suitable for many sport activities, including swimming.

Cherry was designed with active people in mind. While wearing your Cherry disc, you can dance, swim, run, practice yoga and engage in any other activities you would normally do. Once your disc is placed correctly,  it provides a leak free experience so you have the freedom to live your life participating in all of your favorite activities without worrying about your period.

Yes, it is safe to sleep with a Cherry disc. Cherry Menstrual Disc, like menstrual cups, tampons, or pads, are designed for extended wear, and many people use them while sleeping without any issues. 

But most Cherry disc users appreciate that they get a full night’s sleep with their disc instead of waking up multiple times to change tampons or pads.

With proper cleaning and care, your menstrual disc should not develop an odor, unlike tampons and pads.

When cleaning your disc, it is best to use an unscented, water-based, natural if possible, mild soap from a brand of your choice (eg: Cherry Wash) and clean water. 

Oils, chemicals and fragrances can cling to your disc’s silicone and cause premature wear and odor development, as well as irritation when your disc is in use.

No, once inserted you will not feel anything at all. If you are even aware that it is there, it means the Cherry disc is not stay at the right position, so you will need to remove and reinsert again.

Cherry disc is perfect for all ladies as long as they feel confident in the insertion and removal process, and feel comfortable getting to know their bodies better.

Cherry disc is successfully used by people who have not engaged in penetrative sex – if you have strong personal or religious feelings about keeping your hymen intact, it is best not to use a menstrual disc. But do keep in mind though that in modern times, girls can break their hymen by riding a bike, doing yoga or participating in strenuous activities.

The Cherry disc is designed to be one-size-fits-all. Regardless the age or height, it is suitable for all ladies, especially beneficial fit and comfort to ladies with low cervix and weakened pelvic floor.

To use the Cherry disc, you don’t need to measure your cervix height, but to understand your body better, this is how the measurement is. When measuring your cervix, always do so with clean hands. It is not uncommon for your cervix to move during your cycle, and it is most commonly at its lowest point during your heavy day(s).

Gently insert your longest finger and feel along the walls of your vagina. Your cervix will feel like a small nub with a little dent in the middle of it and may be soft or firm depending on where you are in your cycle.

Your cervix height is:

Low: When you feel your cervix with your finger inserted less than half way or below the middle knuckle.

Medium: When you feel your cervix with your finger inserted to the middle knuckle.

High: When you feel your cervix with your finger inserted higher than the middle knuckle or cannot reach your cervix.

The Cherry Disc diameter is 65mm with 50 ml capacity.

Cherry disc will not get “lost” inside the vagina. It is designed with a rim that stays outside the cervix, and it is inserted into the vaginal canal, fitting just below the cervix. When you’re ready to remove the Cherry disc, it should be easy to locate and reach.

A Cherry Disc is made from 100% medical-grade silicone. This allows it to span 5 to 10 years if taken care of well. However, this varies based on individual factors. If the disc becomes slimy, or alters in appearance, stop all use immediately.

Menstrual discs, like menstrual cups, are part of the evolution of menstrual hygiene products and are a relatively recent innovation. The development of menstrual discs began in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and they have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional disposable menstrual products.

Using a Menstrual Disc can change your life for the better.  All women should know this is an option, that’s why we bring it into Malaysia. Cheers!

All our discs are made in the USA, a FDA registered, and are made with 100% medical-grade silicone.

Cherry feminine hygiene products biocompatible with the body. Cherry is one of the few cups on the market that is officially registered with the FDA. The silicone used in making each Cherry Cup does not leach any chemical or toxins and is BPA and latex-free.

For many tampon users one of the biggest issues is the dryness caused by tampons – when having a sensitive skin even the “natural” tampons and pads can cause irritation and itchiness.

If tampons cause your vagina to dry out and the tampon hurts going in and out when you insert and remove it, a menstrual disc can be the solution as disc don’t soak up all the moisture in the vagina.

Using the Cherry disc does not create suction and it is easy remove. Unlike a menstrual cup, the Cherry disc does not rely on suction to seal, which makes it a better option for use with IUDs.

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by toxin-producing strains of the staphylococcus aureus bacterium. TSS is rare, especially with menstrual disc, but can be fatal without early treatment. If you experience sudden high fever, rash, or flu-like symptoms while using Cherry Disc, remove it and seek medical assistance immediately.

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